My name is Fawn. I'm currently attending Lakeside College and this is a project for my Computers course. I'm a member of the Drama Club and I work part-time at the Lone Pine Lake Store.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why I never seem to sleep...

I have this wonderful medical condition: nonsomnia. It means that I don’t need to sleep. Well, I need to sleep, but not nearly as often as normal people. A few hours rest every few nights is all I need to function completely normally. I’m never tired. There are no short or long term health risks. Not sleeping is as natural for me as sleeping is for you.

Being a nonsomniac allows me to work full-time and go to college part-time while still having plenty of time for hiking, drama club, art, and writing. It also allows me to participate in my favorite activity, which will become apparent later on.

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