My name is Fawn. I'm currently attending Lakeside College and this is a project for my Computers course. I'm a member of the Drama Club and I work part-time at the Lone Pine Lake Store.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Well, the dreaded four-letter S-word had to be said: snow. It's here, even though it basically melted as it fell, it collected in a few places and I'm not sure it will leave now until spring. I suppose it's time for it though, and snow is much better than the rain we've been getting - doesn't make the roads so icy.

I always say that I don't mind the cold as much as the snow, and it's true. Snow messes up the roads, but the cold means that the lake freezes and we can go skating! I'm not very good - I can't really stop - but it's so much fun and such good exercise. My boss' kids are little speed demons on skates and they love to drag me along when they go. They have figure skates and can use the toe picks to do all sorts of little jumps and spins. I invested in some hockey skates when I got tired of tripping over the toe picks, and so far, so good. I'll keep you posted on my ability to stop. ;-)

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