My name is Fawn. I'm currently attending Lakeside College and this is a project for my Computers course. I'm a member of the Drama Club and I work part-time at the Lone Pine Lake Store.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Super Moon?

Okay, so supposedly there's going to be a "super moon" this weekend. What's that? Apparently it means that the moon will be full AND be the closest it's been to the Earth in a long time. Not sure how exactly that works, but I guess we'll see (if it's not cloudy or snowing). I'm planning on going out to try to take some pictures of the moon that night, but I'll be avoiding the Lookout, as I suspect it will be packed with moon-watchers curious to see if the Phantom will brave the cold and walk on the lake. Rumor has it that the Phantom ALWAYS walks on the lake during the full moon but you can only see it when the air is warmer, so it's hard to say. I'd hate to miss a sight like a "super moon" in the sky by staring down at the lake all night, but to each their own.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daylight Savings

Boy, it's a good thing that cell phones and computers change time automatically so that I'm reminded to change all my other clocks. I had been meaning to look up the date of Daylight Savings Time, but forgot. I wonder how long it would have taken me to notice that my wall clock was an hour off my cell phone time? It's probably a good thing that someone mentioned it to me this morning, otherwise it might have been a while. ;-)