My name is Fawn. I'm currently attending Lakeside College and this is a project for my Computers course. I'm a member of the Drama Club and I work part-time at the Lone Pine Lake Store.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


It's certainly looking "a lot like Christmas" here, as the song says. Everything is blanketed by a thick layer of snow, including the trees. It's hard to believe that it's not technically winter for a couple more days.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Well, it has been cold enough for long enough that the outdoor rink is open for skating. I was never great on skates as a kid, so it's an interesting experience for me to be trying to "re-learn" to skate. I purchased hockey skates about a month ago and I've gone to the rink three times. I can't skate for very long - my ankles just aren't used to the movement - but I enjoy it and I feel great after I do it. They say it is great exercise, and it's a step in the right direction if I want to pursue actually playing hockey. There isn't a women's team here in town, but I think there's one in the area, so once I get better at skating, and save up enough to buy some more gear, I'll have to look into it.